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Firestorm: Red Thunder

The Team Yankee Global Campaign

The Fight at Night

Warsaw Pact
VS West German
Josh Boone

Josh just got his West Germans on Saturday-we went to the game shop, then I went and got some stuff at the model train shop as well. He didn't want to use his because they aren't painted yet, so I let him use what I had for a quick fight before the work week starts. He chose Frankfurt gauntlet-we picked our forces, he rolled for which end of the table the objectives would be on and he rolled for the time of day....a one...dawn......great.

Set up using spearhead. Hey, who set fire to that guy's truck?

Turn 1:
the west Germans tanks move-1st platoon moves to engage Soviet armor, the 2nd platoon with the CO terrain dash to one of the objectives. the jag1s sit as the helos are just out of his 20 inch night vision range. The 1st platoon fires with 6 shots....a lost of 1s and 2s result in just 1 hit and its a bail...great

The Soviets terrain dash to the 2nd objective, the hinds move to cover the objectives ( we had a special rule for night movement of hinds-on a 1 a horrible mishap would result in a collision and loss of the hinds, on a 2 no movement would be allowed. 3 to 6 as normal) One tank platoon plus the CO terrain dash and the other engages the German tanks. A lot of shooting-the T-72s did not move, and had 24 inch night vision resulting in 5 hits-2 KIAs

Worst shooting...ever.
Russians get 2 quick kills.

Turn 2:
The remaining Leo2 flees and things look bad-The CO and the 2 tank Leo 2 platoon move to the 2nd objective and fire on the scout BMPs killing both-the first Russian formation is no more.

The Russian tank company moves up and fires....missing everything, the 2nd company now terrain dashes-its sill dark-and hopes to get to the first objective by next turn.

Scout BMPs go boom. The Germans eliminate a Russian unit.

Turn 3:
The West German CO tries to get to obj 1 but it's too late, he wont be able to get within 4 inches of it-too many Russian vehicles clogging the way. The 2 German tanks fire-bailing 2 T-72s.
The Russians roll-still night-and manage to KIA the German CO, he rolls a 1 and is killed-the Germans will fall back and the Russians win a quick one in the night.

Game over and that picture is terrible

Not my favorite game played. Josh and I hurried through our lists and wasted points. The Hinds were useless and not used at all, the same for his Jag1s. The night roll threw us but we should have taken a little more time. I could tell Josh was not happy after that first set of dice rolls, and it didn't get better from there. Still-I'm done using this layout and its time to do some bridge attacking and maybe some fights further south.

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4 People Recommended davehodo for commendation

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Warsaw Pact


  • AlohaRover says:

    Why would Hinds need special rules?

  • davehodo says:

    Since there are no night fighting abilities listed for the Hinds, we had to make our own rules. Since a there is a chance of a mishap, we figured on a roll of 1 the hinds would hit each other, power lines, treetops and crash, on a 2 the pilots would hesitate to move (unsure of the terrain, see reflections, etc) but on a 3 to 6 brave it and carry out the mission.

  • Bstann says:

    A nice Pact win.

  • Baron says:

    I have to admit that having a special night fight rule for helicopters does sound interesting, maybe limit it to getting Close to structures or something to represent a misshapp, otherwise a cool story and nice with Pictures! To bad with the shooting, but hey! you won! 😀

  • Nabeshin says:

    Interesting special rule about the Hinds, what made you use this? Good job on the report!

  • CrazyIvan17 says:

    A nice report and congrats on the win!

  • AlohaRover says:

    Nice battle

  • fingolfen says:

    Great outcome – nice report as well – nice use of a basic table set up too. Way to get out there and throw some dice!

  • Red Alert says:


    Effective is better than elegant any day comrade (although personally I think enjoying the game is MOST important)

    But I thank you for the win 🙂


  • bayankhan says:

    Not every battle can be elegant. Good report, and a PACT win.

    Try putting your autobahns on raised ground and in cuttings for some variety. Terrain east of Frankfurt is not level, and the AB can be elevated, cut into hillsides, and sometimes difficult to cross and/or see over. Speaking from having lived for 33 months in Heidelburg and visited Frankfurt for meetings on several occasions.