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Firestorm: Red Thunder

The Team Yankee Global Campaign

Here's Where the Talkin Ends

Warsaw Pact
VS United States
Mike Hodo

Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you. Mike after defeating me yesterday decided he wanted to go tank on tank in annihilation ( it's a quick game) so M1s against T-72s it is.

Colonel Durchenko had just gotten back from the aide station, another small wound in his left shoulder to add to his collection of recently received scars. Suddenly a signals captain screams."American tanks!! headed in this direction" Durchenko climbs into his command tank and begins to form his battalion to meet this unexpected attack.

Turn 1:
Not much to see as each side moves toward the enemy-The US puts one M1 platoon in overwatch while the other 2 maneuver in what cover is available-the Russians use what cover they have to get into position

Looking pretty carnage and flame free right now. That's going to change quickly.

Turn 2:
The US platoons move to contact and score 7 hits but only get 2 KIAs and 2 bails-the longer range is helping the Russian tanks.
The bailed Russian tanks remount (good boys) and close the distance, 3 tanks get bogged in the small tree park-the tanks that didn't get bogged down fire-over 10 hits-only 2 KIAs and no bails. This could get real ugly fast.

And so it begins.

Turn 3:
The M1s are all moving up to engage the Russian tanks. The XO moves to cover the left flank to cover it just in case and the CO moves to the right to do the same. The US tankers get 8 more hits-another 3 KIA's and 1 bail.
The bailed Russian tank crew does not remount (cowards) and we get 12 shots-but only 5 hits so another 2 M1s KIA and 1 bail.

Seems like there's not enough carnage. We'll have to fix that.

Turn 4:
The bailed US tank passes it's morale and also remounts so they fire and kill another 3 T-72s. The Russians are running thin, the 10 tank company only has 5 left and the 8 tank company only has 3 left.

The Russians move to engage t close range and get 10 shots-1 tank didn't move- and manage to get 4 M1s KIA. An M1 platoon is eliminated. The other platoons are down to 1 tank each, the XO and the CO.

There's that carnage!!! Where Have you been?

Turn 5 :
US tanks fall back ( 1 turn too late it seems) and the XO moves up and KIA's another T-72

The Russian tanks regroup and the XO is KIA. another M! is bailed.

He's not talking anymore. Huh? Yup pretty quiet.

Turn 6:
The second M1 platoon fails it's morale and the CO and the 1 M1 left move towards the apartments-the CO has a shot and fire and misses!!! ( rolled a 1 and a 2)

The Russians move up and fire KIAs the COs tank-he transfers, but his 3 teams are now gone-the CO withdraws and the Russians have won. The bear got Mike.....this time

Ah the end is here. Time for tacos!!!!!
A picture on Mt. Yoohoo, for the wife and kids back home.

A longer game than expected-but fun. Mike wants to play another game later today if the expected rain arrives.

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4 People Recommended davehodo for commendation

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Warsaw Pact